Copywriter, technical writer, translator (FR>EN, ES>EN, IT>EN), journalist


2016.5 Mazda CX-5

Sometimes a vehicle earns its way into your heart with a performance that etches itself into your memory. An ancestor to this week’s vehicle did exactly that. There was no drama or wheelspin or tight turns, no excitement. In fact, the experience was entirely tranquil. I simply drove up

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10 Minutes with Legal Tech Entrepreneur James Jones Jr.

James Jones Jr. bumped up against a problem most new lawyers face when he first hung his shingle: where to find clients. That later led to a big idea. After practicing law for a decade, Jones and co-founder Kristina Jones launched Court Buddy in 2015. Their platform

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3D printing opens up IP can of worms

Three-dimensional printing can be used to create all sorts of physical objects, from small toys to entire houses. Whole economies may be transformed if it’s cheaper to print products near where they’re sold instead of importing from faraway lands, and the effects on society don’t end there.

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2017 Volkswagen Tiguan Wolfsburg Edition

You might think the diesel emissions scandal would still dog Volkswagen. You might be wrong. VWs are still flying out of showrooms around the world. The “people’s car” continues to hold a distinct place in the automotive world, largely defined by value and German engineering without the German car

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Printers invaluable but can be targeted by hackers

Welcome to part two in a two-part series on the role of printers in law firms. In the first instalment, we discussed what firms want in printers. Today we’ll look at keeping printers safe from hackers. Today’s printers offer law firms brilliant labour-saving features. Unfortunately, many of

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Digital Transcription Dictates Caution: Digital Dictation and Transcription Options

Many lawyers dictate their thoughts into a recording device, then send the recording to an assistant for transcription. This is a great time-saver for the lawyer. But the human transcriptionist today is gradually giving way to computer versions.

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Zippy, roomy, perfect – the 2017 Honda Civic Hatchback

The four-door hatchback may be the most practical (and to my mind, the most desirable) style of automobile ever designed. When small size is packaged with surprising roominess and an engine that balances between decent power and miserly fuel consumption, the automaker likely has a winner on its

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In a digital world, paper still matters to law firms

Chuck Rothman has heard of law firms whose offices could be cited by the fire marshal. “They have bankers boxes lining every hallway,” he said. Rothman hastened to add that few firms he’s encountered in his role as director of e-discovery services with information governance, e-discovery and

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Auto-Filing Email: 5 Productivity Tips

Imagine if your email system could look like this at the end of your day (presuming your inbox is empty): This is more likely to happen if email lands in the right folder without you having to triage it from your inbox. Dealing with each message in

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