Some time ago, I wrote about social network bloat. I followed up with a deeper dive, which is a bit redundant now that I read it again. It’s clearly a topic that recurs to me. Much of what I wrote in line with how I recommend people build
Read more →With a blog post title like this, you can tell I’m a hit at parties… Productivity for me means doing the little things as efficiently as possible. But efficiency isn’t always possible. Here’s a prime example.
Read more →In certain situations, I need to type something I’ve typed dozens or hundreds of times before. Rather than type it out, I prefer to type three to four letters. My Mac recognizes those letters and offers me the option of the full text I’ve typed in the past.
Read more →This is the first article in a two-part series. Smartphone operating systems as a discussion topic can sometimes prove as inflammatory as religion and politics. Arguments seem prompted, at least in part, by marketing as the major manufacturers battle for greater share of the lucrative business smartphone
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