Copywriter, technical writer, translator (FR>EN, ES>EN, IT>EN), journalist


How I use RSS feeds

Regular readers of this blog know I’ve been doing all I can to tame the volume of email coming my way. One great method is to simply stop delivery of emails that don’t add much value. I also want to keep up with a number of blogs, but I don’t have

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Controlling Flash using Firefox

Adobe’s Flash technology is practically a standard on the Internet. Web developers use it on all sorts of pages since it adds, well, “flash” to a page. Whether “flash” adds value to the page is a debate for another post… Unfortunately, Flash (Adobe’s) has its drawbacks. It has

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Review: 2015 Nissan Micra

Those of us old enough to remember such things might experience a flashback to an era that ended decades ago when we see the price sticker on the 2015 Nissan Micra. Starting price: $9,995 for the base model.   There’s something about a four-figure price tag on

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No Internet Week

No, I didn’t go cold turkey (though I sometimes have no-Internet days, and I like them). Back in 2013, creative agency Mother London deprived five internet addicts of their drug of choice, and filmed the consequences. Under the watchful eye of psychoanalyst Sarah Hirigoyen and neurologist Alistair

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Create useful keyboard shortcuts

Few computer users could get along without common keyboard shortcuts. The ubiquitous Ctrl-C (copy) and Ctrl-V (paste) are but two common examples. We probably do this instead of using the mouse to go to menus since it takes less time and makes us more efficient, helps us

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The power of Preview

Sometimes software developers cram more features into their products than most people know about, and they don’t think to go looking for them. Take the humble PDF reader. Not something to get excited about, right? Well, maybe I can change your mind on that.

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Review: 2014 Subaru Crosstrek XV Hybrid

Back in July, I spent a week with Subaru’s first hybrid, the Crosstrek XV.

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On the same page

Here’s a good way to leave your writing unpolished:

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Tablets becoming better tools thanks to useful apps

Each lawyer in Russell Alexander’s firm has an iPad. The founder of Russell Alexander Family Lawyers has been using one since Apple Inc.’s tablet debuted four years ago. Donna Neff, founder of Neff Law Office Professional Corporation, started her tablet experience on an iPad 2, a device

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Putting pictures in contact cards

When you need to meet people for the first time, whether at a job interview or networking event, do you know what they look like? For most of us, the answer is “no.” Fortunately, we can now change the answer to “yes” in many cases. All you

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