Copywriter, technical writer, translator (FR>EN, ES>EN, IT>EN), journalist


Keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Word

Back in August, I explained how to assign keyboard shortcuts, both inside one program and to menu items across several programs. Meanwhile, I was trying to get a macro to work properly so that I could turn on one setting in a dialog box without affecting the

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Going online with dispute resolution

We bank online. We earn continuing legal education credits online. We even work online. But the day when Canadian citizens can resolve common, low-value legal disputes online seems a long way off.

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Review: 2015 Nissan Versa Note

Four-door hatchbacks may be the most practical vehicles on the road, bar none. Most carmakers have an entry in this market segment, and Nissan upped the ante with the 2015 Versa Note. I spent a week with the SR model ($18,698 MSRP – the base Versa starts

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Automated editing assistants

Earlier this year, I reviewed software that plugs into Microsoft Word (for Windows only, not available for Mac) to help writers sharpen their prose. (Editors at the magazine I wrote this for came up with a witty title for the resulting article.) I could accomplish similar ends using features built into Word and

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Managing email contact lists

I ask certain experts for interviews whenever I plan to write my monthly technology column for Lawyers Weekly Magazine. My list contains 96 email addresses as of this writing. I’ve built this list over a few years and it’s indispensable when the time comes to write about technology

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Putting word counts in Word documents

As a freelance technology writer, I get magazine and blog post assignments in which clients ask I stick to a specific word count, or word count range (e.g. 400-600 words). I track word count using both the bottom frame of the Word window and a word count

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Handling Wi-Fi dead spots

People install wireless routers to easily deliver broadband Internet access to many places in a building. However, depending on where the router happens to be, certain places in a building might get weak signals. These places have earned the morbid name “dead spots” (or “dead zones”). In a

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Data disasters are waiting to happen

Having a recovery plan is indispensable for your system’s inevitable crash Ben Sapiro well knows the meaning behind the metaphor “like closing the barn door after the horse escapes.” When lawyers call him about disaster recovery, it’s usually because something has already happened. “Very often, questions come after

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Review: 2015 Subaru Outback

Driving south on Toronto’s Royal York Road one morning, I saw over the roof of a decade-old Subaru Forester in front of me, the blatantly utilitarian shape having since given way to today’s  modern SUV appearance. This sighting gave me pause. You see, I was driving a vehicle I once

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The virtual deal room is now more advanced

Used as data rooms, lawyers can share confidential information. Physical “deal rooms” house documents pertaining to confidential activities such as mergers and acquisitions. Access to such rooms is controlled. No photocopiers are found within, and no cameras allowed inside. Brock Smith, a Vancouver-based partner in the technology

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