Late last year, I took the advice of a friend and upgraded to Microsoft Office 365. I regret that decision. I lean mostly on Word, and until I upgraded to 365 I had no idea how much I depended on Word simply being a canvas that I
Read more →I usually publish “factual” things on my blog: opinions, how-to tips, insights, etc. This week’s post may be helpful and insightful, even if, on the surface, it’s satire. A friend posted this on an email list I belong to. She didn’t note the original author, so if
Read more →Sometimes you need a checklist of things to ask on a regular basis. For instance, each time I speak with a prospective client for my writing or training services, I use a form to make sure I cover the right questions, and record what we say and agree
Read more →Whenever I send people an email, chances are it either arrives in their inboxes or, in a small minority of cases, their spam filters reroute it to their spam boxes. One or the other. Emails just don’t get lost in transit. I’d expect the same thing to happen with
Read more →Adobe’s Flash technology is practically a standard on the Internet. Web developers use it on all sorts of pages since it adds, well, “flash” to a page. Whether “flash” adds value to the page is a debate for another post… Unfortunately, Flash (Adobe’s) has its drawbacks. It has
Read more →Towards the end of the dystopian 2013 satire The Circle, by Dave Eggers, the protagonist wears a front-facing wearable camera and microphone device that livestreams (except for bathroom breaks) her every waking moment to millions of followers. In the real world, Toronto Police Services recently announced a
Read more →I recently watched a podcast (embedded below) about syncing a phone’s contacts with Google contacts. It reminded me of what happens to people who: rely on their phones exclusively for contact information for hundreds, if not thousands, of people don’t back up their phones to their computers
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