Copywriter, technical writer, translator (FR>EN, ES>EN, IT>EN), journalist


Expanding your network by hopping on the Internet

originally published in The Lawyers Weekly Lawyers who network already know the rubber chicken circuit. Many such lawyers are now venturing into the virtual chicken circuit, adding online social networking to their marketing efforts. Their “iChoices” continue to increase. In addition to online forums dedicated to the

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Software Asset Management

originally published in Microsoft Momentum From one Vancouver store ten years ago, lululemon has stretched its iconic yoga wear brand to 80 stores across three continents. But lululemon needs to stay as limber as it was when it was small. This includes keeping each of its 450

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FluidConcepts magazine copy

originally published in Award Magazine ‘Think – Design – Create’ aptly describes fluidconcepts’ philosophy on delivering well-designed customized office furnishings. Mississauga, Ontario-based fluidconcepts starts from exceptional up-front design services to guarantee office furnishings, production and service that meet its customers’ needs.

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Toronto's Union Station

Aerial image of present-day Union Station

Originally published in Award Magazine GO trains per day: 180. GO busses per day: 400. VIA trains per day: 35. Current passengers per year: 50 million. Expected in two decades: 80 million. These numbers help describe the busiest travel hub in all of Canada. Pearson International Airport,

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Unlock the secrets of your smartphone

originally published in The Lawyers Weekly Still think that calling and e-mailing from your BlackBerry is a great productivity booster? Consider this: The gadget in your hand now boasts more power than the computers of your childhood. So why stick to traditional smartphone tools like calendars, task

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Twitter in the courtroom: a fad, or here to stay?

originally published in The Lawyers Weekly Can a journalist chronicle a court case 140 characters at a time? Judge for yourself. Follow trials in Ottawa and London, Ontario where judges in both cases are letting journalists stream events from the courtroom to the Internet via Twitter.

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Lawyers adjusting to know-your-client rules

originally published in Lawyers Weekly Do you know your clients well enough to say that they don’t launder money or finance terrorism? To combat these and other criminal activities, upcoming federal regulations will codify the information lawyers must learn about their clients should they receive $3,000 or

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BlackBerry Storm has some kinks to work out

Originally published in Lawyers Weekly To paraphrase George Orwell: “Physical keyboard good! Virtual keyboard bad!” That’s the common refrain from many BlackBerry devotees ever since Cupertino, California’s Apple Inc. announced the iPhone two years ago. Now, smartphone buyers have another choice: the BlackBerry Storm, the first-ever touch-screen

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Moodles are Good for Small Noodles

“I set up a forum where students could interact with one of their classmates who was taking his first trip to his China where his parents were from,” Lucas Kent explains. “The student kept us up to date on daily adventures, sent us pictures of animals he

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Bringing Technology into the Classroom

Five years ago, Lucas Kent brought a digital whiteboard into his largely analog classroom. The benefits were immediate, whether he taught topics as graphically gratifying as sunspots or he needed to bring up a lesson from the previous school day. “Instead of having to get out a

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