Copywriter, technical writer, translator (FR>EN, ES>EN, IT>EN), journalist


Services for cloud computing booming

On a network diagram, icons for things like phones, computers, servers and other devices often connect using straight lines. But when those devices leave the office, they connect back via a nebulous connection: a cloud. The cloud illustrates paths from devices to information that can vary depending

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Mac users, PC users: the stereotypes researched

It’s one of the funnier posts you’ll ever read, even if it’s purported to be true (I didn’t bother fact-checking this one – it stands on entertainment value alone…) 

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Why use online calendars?

It’s a great idea to use an electronic calendar, if for no other reason that you can ensure it automatically gets backed up. That calendar exists, obviously, on one of your electronic devices. Now you can also put a copy of your calendar on the web. Why

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E-trials seen as ‘essential’ for justice in the future

The only one of its kind in Toronto, Courtroom 807 at 393 University Avenue is outfitted for “electronic” trials, a trend many in the legal community see as essential to the evolution of the Canadian justice system.

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Basic business social media strategy

Own a small business? Wondering how to effectively use the tangle that is social media today? Here’s the secret: pick a few things you can do well, and do them routinely.

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Google for journalists, April 26, Toronto

Last fall, the Society of American Business Editors and Writers (SABEW) put on a fine event in Toronto. (I won a copy of the book The End of Wall Street, which I heartily recommend if you want to better grasp just what has been happening in world

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Supply chain management

Before you deliver products to your customers, you need to find the raw components that go into those products, then prepare them for delivery (and, unfortunately, be ready to take them back if there’s anything wrong with them.) That, in a nutshell, is supply chain management (SCM).

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Secure web surfing, take two

Lots of people refuse to connect to the Internet using open wireless networks like those you find at coffee shops. Why? Their information travels unencrypted over those networks, making it possible for people nearby with the technical tools and know-how to read what they send. But today,

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David Braley Athletic Centre, McMaster University

Originally published in Award Magazine Since Hamilton, Ontario’s Ivor Wynne Centre at McMaster University was built in 1966, the student population doubled but the athletic facility didn’t grow to keep pace. So in 2004, the university broke ground on the David Braley Athletic Centre. The $27.5M centre

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