Copywriter, technical writer, translator (FR>EN, ES>EN, IT>EN), journalist


LinkedIn: Skills

We all have skills that we want others to know about. So LinkedIn created a feature that enables members to tell other people what they have, and they gave this feature the obvious name: Skills.

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Acrobat documents are now easier to manage

Some pointers for mastering PDFs Adobe Acrobat solves so many problems in the document-intensive legal industry, it’s pretty easy to get lawyers to share their favourite PDF pointers. Read on for a quick selection of useful PDF tips.

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Create multiple list levels in Word

At times you may need to create a list within a list. When you come across a situation like this, try to revise the passage so that you can create two separate lists, since sublists quickly render documents more complex than they need to be. However, using

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MBII & network convergence

Convergence: a fresh approach to complex systems Have you ever taken a good look at the multicolored, ordered spaghetti of cabling running through most buildings? Traditional engineering calls for one set of cabling for security systems, another for surveillance/CCTV, yet another for lighting, one for HVAC, then

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Solicit recommendations using LinkedIn

Whether you apply for a job or pitch for freelance work, good reviews of your previous efforts can help convince people to pay for your services. Those reviews can carry extra weight if the people who read them can easily find out who gave them.

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Restart list numbering in Word

When you create many numbered lists in a document, the first list might be the only one to start at the number one. Subsequent lists start at the number after the last number in the preceding list. In some cases, this is what you want to do.

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Find information in LinkedIn

To network effectively using LinkedIn, make sure you can find and exploit its powerful search tool. As you build your network and do research, you’ll use it often. Find people in LinkedIn The top right hand corner of your LinkedIn home page has a search bar that,

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Add a paragraph to a Word list item

At times, you may need to add a paragraph to a list item but you don’t want the second paragraph to automatically receive a number or a bullet. For instance, you might want to explain something further about the first paragraph using additional words or an illustration.

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Protect your information: lie

Walmart got hacked by a security expert at a recent conference. The story was both funny and instructive, but it wasn’t funny for the Walmart employee duped into giving up all sorts of information the security expert could use to gain access to Walmart systems. (The security

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Create a LinkedIn custom URL

A URL (uniform resource locator) is the address of a web site. For instance, you can find the Google search engine at the URL To make it easier for people to find your LinkedIn profile, you can change the URL they would need to type. For

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