Copywriter, technical writer, translator (FR>EN, ES>EN, IT>EN), journalist


Listening to library e-audiobooks

I’ve long listened to audiobooks in my car. Using both cassette tapes and CDs stashed in my 6-CD, trunk-mounted changer, I’ve whiled away hours “reading” stuff I might never have made time for. Both cassette players and CD changers may verge on anachronisms, but they’ve done a lot

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A world of extras available to make your (WordPress) site better

If you build your law firm website using WordPress, you might find it doesn’t do everything you want it to out of the box. Fortunately, plug-ins and themes abound to fill in the gaps.

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Your computer is a scanner

Here’s a back-to-school tip that can help notebook computer-owning students cut down on photocopying fees – just use the camera and your computer’s software to make copies of books.

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Social networks at work – yes or no?

At many workplaces, debate rages over whether to allow Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and the other usual suspects into the office. This debate can happen regardless of whether access has been granted or not. The InfoSec Institute shared an article with me that explains the good and bad

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Let MIT map your life

Ever wonder how much the folks at Google really know about your life? Intrepid researchers at MIT can help you find out.

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Thoughts on the humble web browser

Web browsers tend to reliably deliver the Internet most of the time. But sometimes people experience problems surfing the web. If other Internet-reliant applications, like Skype or a cloud backup program, work just fine, that may be a hint that the web browser may be wonky. Here’s

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Battling court gridlock with tech tools

A committee of the Canadian Forum on Civil Justice recently published a series of reports that advocate, among other solutions, an increased role for technology in promoting access to justice in civil and family matters. Lawyer Garry Wise of Toronto’s Wise Law Office has been hearing talk about improving

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The best web browser home screen, bar none

Web browsing can be the bane of my productivity. There. I wrote it. Actually, I did write it once before, in this blog post about RescueTime. I recently figured out another way to use RescueTime to boost my productivity, and it’s so simple I can’t believe I

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A cost-effective way to build a business website

This article is the first of a two-part series. Part Two publication date TBA. WordPress, widely known as a blogging platform, is also the engine behind many law firm websites. Should you use WordPress to build your firm’s site?

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Slow Internet connections

I wish I could tell you this common problem had an easy solution, but all too often it doesn’t. That said, consider these basic tips before you call your Internet service provider to sound off.

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