Copywriter, technical writer, translator (FR>EN, ES>EN, IT>EN), journalist


Right fit in the Mazda6

I didn’t expect the 2014 Mazda6 GT to roar when I pushed the engine start button, but the quiet that met my ears once I did so left me wondering why it sounded so civilized. It wasn’t hybrid-start quiet, but I expected more of an announcement that the

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One rule to rule them all

Creating email rules can sometimes seem like a complex bit of weaving. Once your list of rules grows lengthy, you might find that emails don’t take on the criteria (proper folder location, category, whether they’re deleted or not and so forth) that you expect. Email rules are

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Improving legal service delivery by going online

Lawyers as technology entrepreneurs Doug Simpson holds a degree in computer science. Engineer Monica Goyal worked for years in the technology industry. Both Michael Bluestein and Michael Carabash profess passion for both business and technology. These technophile lawyers believe they can improve the delivery of legal services.

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The stylin' Lincoln MKZ Hybrid

While I appreciate great style in all sorts of matters, from clothes to gadgets to cars, I inevitably choose practicality, even if it trumps style. You can have both – well, almost – in the 2014 Lincoln MKZ Hybrid.

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Basic spreadsheet automation

The magic of spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel and Apple Numbers lies in the automation of repetitive tasks. Most spreadsheet users know about the automation of arithmetic operations, but spreadsheets let you also automate the creation of common lists like sequences of numbers and the names of

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To make sense of big data, look inward

Having difficulty understanding big data? Don’t examine it on the Internet. Instead, look at your own company’s version of it. From e-mail systems to invoicing to accounts payable to text messaging to document sharing to HR, the list of disparate systems on which a business relies can

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Heritage, then and now, of the Ford Mustang

One fine fall Friday, I backed into my old neighbor Ralph’s driveway and rang his doorbell. He opened his door to see me leaning against the rear fender of a 2014 “gotta-have-it-green” Ford Mustang with the top down. “Wanna go for a spin?” I asked. He quickly

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Smartphones offer lawyers many options

Last time in this space, we covered security, IT support, keyboards and email features offered on Android, Apple, BlackBerry and Windows smartphones. Here in the second part, we’ll cover other business features that help lawyers work on the go.

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Sharing a computer

You probably couldn’t imagine sleeping in the bed somebody else slept in just minutes before, or eating off the same plate somebody else just finished with. Yet all sorts of people share computers using the same account. They see other people’s messes on the desktop. They can

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Fun with a shifty Subaru Forester

Little of what I learn about automobiles surprises me. That said, I wouldn’t expect to find paddle shifters in a SUV, compact or otherwise. Yet that’s exactly what I did find in a 2014 Subaru Forester XT. At first I was surprised. Then, I was pleased, and

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