Copywriter, technical writer, translator (FR>EN, ES>EN, IT>EN), journalist

Posts Tagged social networking

The dangers of screensucking

Gemmelsmirch. This is one of my favorite all-time words, made up by Edward M. Hallowell, M.D. and delivered with gusto in his book CrazyBusy. It refers to all the stuff we can occupy our minds with, stuff that often leaving us spinning like a top, going nowhere.

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Search Engine Optimization, or How to catch more eyeballs on a website

Businesses that optimize their websites for search engines place high in organic search engine results. If your firm uses its website to market itself, make effective search engine optimization (SEO) a firm-wide priority.

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Social Skills and Social Media

Social media is equal parts gold mine and minefield. Just ask Canadian musician Dave Carroll or United Airlines. In the spring of 2008, Canadian country-rock band Sons of Maxwell was travelling from Halifax to a gig in Omaha, Neb., on a United Airlines flight. Somewhere along the

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Connect with people on LinkedIn

Building a large network takes time, but it’s a worthwhile endeavor. The wider your LinkedIn network, the easier it will be to make contact with other people – and the easier it will be for people to make contact with you.

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Find networking events on LinkedIn

Update, December 2012: LinkedIn has shut down its Events feature. Read LinkedIn’s official announcement here. Want to meet specific people, or people in specific industries, face to face? Why not go to a networking event that those people are slated to attend? Even better, contact people who

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Find jobs on LinkedIn

Enterprising job-seekers of both the salaried and freelance variety might mine job websites to find out which companies are looking to fill positions. But today, both companies and recruiters are increasingly using LinkedIn to fill positions, especially since they’re interested in finding people who aren’t currently looking

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Don’t let digital assets R.I.P.

Canadian law on digital assets not well developed For Dave Iverson, it’s unlocking computerized financial information of deceased clients. For Nicole Garton-Jones, it’s having deceased clients appear on her LinkedIn home page in the “People You May Know” section. It’s all part of the digital information trove

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Can bar associations go completely online?

Traditional bar associations, in their never-ending bid to stay relevant to attorneys, are developing strong online presences. They’re becoming hybrids — clicks and mortar organizations. They’re being joined by “online” bar associations as well, and the changes in the bar association landscape are fascinating to watch.

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Who do you want to connect to on LinkedIn?

You might be surprised at the number of people you know (or know of) who have LinkedIn profiles. Here’s a partial list:

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Job interview question: Can I see your Facebook account?

Earlier this year, news media picked up stories of employers asking prospective staff for access to their social media accounts. Some stories made the requests sound as matter-of-fact as if they were asking for a mailing address. It’s an improper question at any time, but if you’re

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