Copywriter, technical writer, translator (FR>EN, ES>EN, IT>EN), journalist


Going paperless at the office is possible with some astute planning, determination

originally published in Lawyers Weekly Magazine If a clean desk is a clean mind, what do the papers on your desk say about your mind? Increasingly, lawyers answer that question by replacing piles of paper with that most prominent of paperless-office machines, the scanner. While critics argue

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Group aims to standardize and improve court websites

originally published in Lawyers Weekly Do Canadian court websites do anything well? Faced with this question, Patrick Cormier audibly hems and haws. “The only thing I can think of is that they all have contact information,” he finally said, “and often a welcome from the chief justice.”

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Updating to Windows 7 has perks, drawbacks

originally published in Lawyers Weekly After years of galling “Hi, I’m a Mac – And I’m a PC” ads, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer may want to make an ad out of the following anecdote: Toronto real estate lawyer David Feld updated all 8 Vista PCs in his

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Self-publishing: lawyers can produce and sell books online with new online tools

originally published in Lawyers Weekly Dean Fueroghne, vice president and creative director for Critical Mass Creative Group in Pasadena, CA, attended UCLA law school after years as a creative professional. “On the first day of advertising law class, the professor announced that there was no textbook for

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Ensuring smartphone security

originally published in Lawyers Weekly Take a good look at your mobile phone. The thing you use to make calls on the go now does email, chat, web surfing, takes pictures and voice recordings, and lets you use practice management systems. Legions of software developers and users

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Lawyers who really love Macs

originally published in Lawyers Weekly Magazine Special interest groups pop up around all sorts of things, so it isn’t surprising that about 50 lawyers spent a recent weekend in Florida talking about how to run a law office using Apple Macintosh computers.

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Canada’s best law firm websites

2010 Kenneth R Wilson Award Best in Canadian Business Publishing

originally published in National Magazine Note: This article won a 2010 Kenneth R. Wilson Award. What makes a law firm website great? What should it be trying to accomplish, and how do we know if it succeeded? We asked some of Canada’s top legal technology experts to

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Managing information overload

originally published in CCCA Magazine Thanks to the wonder that is electronically stored information, corporations profit from – and sometimes stagger under – more information than ever before. And few tasks underscore the mass of a company’s data like e-discovery. Those closest to the work know this

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Video-Game HR Recruiting a Near Reality

Would your company recruit skilled employees using a video game? That isn’t a rhetorical question. Recruiting the right people is an unavoidable and costly challenge for many organizations. Enter SkyTroller (iTunes link). This $1.99 iPhone app lets would-be air traffic controllers assign flight altitudes to aircraft entering

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Palm Pre good alternative to iPhone, BlackBerry

originally published in Lawyers Weekly There’s a new smartphone in town and it’s good enough to go toe-to-toe with the BlackBerry and the iPhone. It’s the Palm Pre. The folks who arguably invented the handheld computing market are back with a redesigned combination touchscreen and physical keyboard

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