Copywriter, technical writer, translator (FR>EN, ES>EN, IT>EN), journalist


Routers can improve computer security

Is anything connected between your modem and your computer? If not, get and install a router.

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Simplicity sells!

This 21-minute video came out in 2006, yet it’s amazing how little things have changed. If you haven’t seen it, New York Times columnist David Pogue manages to explain what technology consumers want using three Broadway-worthy songs, physical demos and the inside story of what tech support

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Safer web browsing

For most people, computer security is a cloudy subject. For Windows users in particular: beyond practising good computer hygiene and keeping anti-virus software updated and running all the time, what can you do to protect your computer? Answer: offer hackers fewer ways to get into your computer.

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Have you saved your document?

Unsaved document on a Mac

David, an editor friend of mine, recently bought a Mac. In a blog post, he mentioned keeping his Windows computer until he’s sure that he can run his business using a Mac. While he’s on the road to that conclusion, I thought I’d post a Mac-specific tip

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Netbooks can be useful

originally published in Lawyers Weekly They’re tiny, cheap, underpowered, and many of us wouldn’t want to use them too often. But netbooks as business computers suit some lawyers just fine. Which, considering their history, is odd. A 2009 article in Wired Magazine traced their existence back to

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The true value of a computer

Many people choose their computers mainly (if not solely) by price. That’s understandable, since non-tech-savvy people don’t know how to evaluate the relative merits of different makes and models. Initial purchase price does matter, of course. But if you’re concerned about ALL the money you’ll spend on

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Social media: a better explanation

People commonly tell me they don’t get this Facebook-Twitter-Linkedin-Youtube-Myspace-whathaveyou world of ours. I don’t blame them. In our enthusiasm, we’ve created a jumble of spaghetti using social media.

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What’s the video buzz about?

originally published in Microsoft Home Magazine Remember The Blair Witch Project? To make the 1999 low-budget hit horror movie, three amateur actors ran scared through “haunted” woods. The actors also did their own filming and editing — all with their personal video equipment. Add today’s inexpensive moviemaking

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What’s Google Wave?

In 2009, Google created this thing called Wave. Google tried to explain what Wave is for, but their explanations and blog fall a little short for me. That’s why I’m glad authors Gina Trapani and Adam Pash chose to demystify Wave by writing and publishing The Complete

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Threading email

top level of an email thread

Anybody who uses Google Mail knows what threads are – “chains” of emails related by topic and usually ordered by date. They differ from the ordinary “inbox view” where emails appear ordered by date of arrival, “From” address or other criteria. Why are threads useful? Threads (or

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