Copywriter, technical writer, translator (FR>EN, ES>EN, IT>EN), journalist


Web set to sprout new domains

Dot-com is getting more company: A new category of generic top-level domains (gTLDs) is about to be unleashed. Granted by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), TLDs are the letters to the right of the dot in a web address, such as com, ca,

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Avoid the email rabbit hole

Several years ago, Andy Sherwood made this pronouncement: “Bill Gates is a crack dealer.”

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Not just for kids anymore: Bad behaviour is bad behaviour in real life or online

Create social media policies to guide your staff Being social has never been a fad. We’re all social creatures. We naturally reach out to others, whether in person, on the phone or by using technology such as social media. We’re also litigious creatures, so it’s little wonder

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Email and forum etiquette

Ever wonder if you’re driving other people batty with your email or forum interactions? Podcaster Gary Rosenzweig can let you know if you’re putting a foot wrong. Outside of warning people against ALL-CAPS TYPING, WHICH READS LIKE SHOUTING, Rosenzweig notes tips like: quoting only necessary parts of

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18 York Street – PwC Tower

Toronto’s financial district is spreading south of the tracks with the opening of the Southcore Financial Centre’s first of three buildings, the 26-storey PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers) Tower.

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Enjoy podcasts in half the time

I’m a podcast junkie. I subscribe to far more podcasts than I’m ever going to get the time to listen to or watch. Here’s an interesting fact about downloaded podcasts, either audio or video, that rely mainly on the spoken word – you can play them back

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Tablets, legal e-books gaining ground

Anybody who doubts the arrival of electronic books need only check out a stunning five-minute TED Talk in which the presenter blows on a tablet screen to make a windmill on the screen spin. Legal e-books might not need such bells and whistles, but they are garnering

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Empty inbox to zap stress, boost productivity

I’ve written about the individual steps your can take to deal with your email inbox, but I recently wrote this post and decided it would be a good idea to link to the individual tips from this one post. Stress-free productivity: You can do lots of things

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Sound principles for gathering evidence

They’re not just for making calls anymore. Today’s smartphones create video and still images, and record audio too. Aside from the calling, much the same can be said of tablets. These two types of multimedia enter businesses every day in the hands of employees who may prefer

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Creating address book entries using email

An email inbox isn’t the right place to keep track of your contact information. Don’t believe me? Try it sometime and see if you don’t lose people’s phone numbers and email addresses among the – what – hundreds? Thousands? of other emails sitting in there too. The

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