Copywriter, technical writer, translator (FR>EN, ES>EN, IT>EN), journalist



It’s the world’s premiere business networking site. People use it for all sorts of reasons, including: listing companies recruiting people who aren’t looking for jobs researching all sorts of business information networking with others in their industry finding jobs updating business contacts and much more For insights

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Business and Executive Profiles

Businesses and entrepreneurs make for some of the most fascinating stories people can read. Big-name memoirs and biographies like that of Steve Jobs may get much of the press, but company websites, promotional materials and magazine articles can all benefit from: anecdotes that illustrate the vision and

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Understanding browser cookies

To make your web browsing experience more convenient, certain sites place information in text files that they can reference the next time you visit them. The name given to these text files, cookies, has taken on a negative connotation. That connotation isn’t really warranted. Cookies, in my

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Who (or what) reads your résumé?

Job seekers, take note: search engine optimization isn’t just for websites anymore. Lawyers Weekly Magazine just published a wake-up call in the article Résumé has to first impress computer by Chantal Saxe. While Saxe wrote the article for lawyers, the following paragraph ought to register with anybody

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Fighting social network spam

Spam isn’t just for email anymore. It can come at you from social networks you belong to as well. Fortunately, you can effectively deal with social network spam using a little knowledge and a few good habits.

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What's in a domain name?

Cybersquatters, typosquatters, scammers and sundry malcontents will try to commandeer your organization’s good name. Here’s how to guard against a whole lot of headaches.

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Finding large files

Is your computer’s performance slowing to a crawl? You might want to check for free space on your hard drive. No matter what type of computer or other device you use, your hard drive (or total storage – this counts for smartphones and tablets too) will slow

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Online court document system

OSCAR, meet JUSTIN: moving toward an online court document system A March 16 Globe and Mail article headlined “Judge bashes Ontario’s archaic court document system” included the following statements made by Justice David Brown: “Consign our paper-based document management system to the scrap heap of history and

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The visible mouse pointer

I max out the resolution on my screen so I can squeeze the most detail possible into said screen. While I can read most everything on the screen, and quickly increase font size when I can’t, I sometimes lose track of the unfailingly black mouse pointer on

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Use a few keywords to find Internet gold

Ever wonder how easy it is to research people using the Internet? “Several years ago, default privacy settings on social net-working sites were set to no privacy,” says Brian Vail, an Edmonton-based partner at Field Law. “It was a gold mine.” A gold mine, that is, for

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