Copywriter, technical writer, translator (FR>EN, ES>EN, IT>EN), journalist


Supplement your LinkedIn profile

When you created your LinkedIn profile, you added the information LinkedIn considers part of a complete profile. LinkedIn also lets you add information about things like causes you support and volunteer activity as well. This information can help attract attention from other LinkedIn members looking for people

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New tools are making mining mountains of data easier

An introduction to e-discovery’s key concepts. Attorneys will always need to participate in discovery. One secret to saving money on fees is to limit the number of documents they need to handle. Fortunately, even as document collections continue to expand to mind-boggling proportions, technologies used to pare

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Taking screen shots

When they write software manuals, technical writers commonly include precise images of the things you see on screen. They capture these images using screen capture, or screen shot, tools. You might not be a technical writer, but you might need to copy images from your computer screen

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Meet four writers/authors on a blog hop

Welcome to this blog hop! For a short time investment, you’ll learn a few things about me and three other writers and authors: Tracey Allen (Sustainable/Gluten-free/Passive Solar) Heather Grace Stewart (Poet/Screenwriter), and of course, yours truly, Paul Lima (Freelance Writer, Author) I tap my enthusiasm for useful

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Join LinkedIn groups

Networking often leads to serendipitous outcomes, but meeting people who share interests can make networking more effective. That’s why people join groups in LinkedIn. By joining groups, you can do things like: learn about others with similar interests. find out what they’re talking about in group forums.

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ebooks: the advantages

I recently read a PDF of a book on an Asus Vivo Tab (Windows RT edition). That was the first time I ever read a book “cover to cover” using material other than paper. While I found the device itself lacking, there’s a lot to be said

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Research companies using LinkedIn

To further their professional interests, people commonly investigate specific companies. Now, in addition to traditional research sources like media mentions and a company’s own web site, people can look for company “pages” on LinkedIn.

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Filling out forms online

Does much of your practice involve filling out forms? If you answered yes, electronic forms represent both opportunities and looming threats to your business.

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Mouse versus trackpad

Carpal tunnel syndrome afflicts countless computer users. I’ve battled it myself a few times, and I’ve found a couple of methods that help me prevent it. For instance, since I’m right-handed and have only had carpal tunnel in the right wrist, I’ve switched my mouse to the

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Going Green

Understanding the facts and the fallacies of green building design principles is a complex task. Buildings play major roles in our environment’s health, as well as our own. We need to make them more sustainable. So what’s the holdup? The holdups stem largely from a need for

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