Copywriter, technical writer, translator (FR>EN, ES>EN, IT>EN), journalist


My interview on BlogTalk Radio – Getting Started on LinkedIn

Back on April 29, 2013, Cindy Stradling interviewed me on BlogTalk Radio. Stradling heads Athena Training and Consulting, a group of professionals who provide training, coaching and consulting services to all sorts of businesses. We spoke about the basics of LinkedIn, dwelling on how to get started

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10 technology tips in 6 minutes

This video pretty much explains all I’d like to accomplish with my blog. Big-time technology journalist David Pogue, a guy who gets all the latest toys to play with so he can REVIEW THEM BEFORE THEY’RE RELEASED (Are you listening to me, big technology companies? No, I’m

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A cleaner, simpler feel in the new look Office

Microsoft packaged new goodies in the latest version of its Office suite of productivity software, but this time you might notice the package more than the goodies. The programs — Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook et al — are all still there, but they look a lot less

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Check your LinkedIn profile summary

Want to expand your network on LinkedIn more quickly? Make it easier for people to spot you as a person they may know.

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Fine print in the clouds

What to look for in a provider’s service-level agreements Lawyers who want to use the cloud to meet their computing needs find themselves whipsawed. Cloud service providers promise up-to-date systems, great features and manageable IT costs. But questions stemming from professional responsibilities, such as privacy and confidentiality,

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Getting started with Microsoft Windows 8

Poor old Microsoft. Ballmer and Company just can’t catch a break. People who know me as loyal to Apple (I use a MacBook Pro and iPod Touch) will be surprised to find out that what I wrote above isn’t meant as sarcasm. I’ve used Windows 8 and

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Protection begins with assessment of access

Law firms handle plenty of sensitive information, both their own and that of their clients. A client’s competitor and opponents in a lawsuit are just two parties who may want to steal that information. “Security matters because it is not a theoretical risk,” says Martin Felsky, a

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Stay up to date using LinkedIn

Your home page contains several news feeds you can use to keep up to date on people in your network, as well as what they’re discussing. Use these feeds to participate in the discussions you find interesting, to start your own discussions and to get in touch

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Weird Science

From self-bending metals to stones that repair themselves, ecopreneurs and scientists are developing a range of advanced building materials.

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Web-based translation

A few years ago, I wrote about how law firms translate their documents into other languages. Translation is a challenging task, so it’s no surprise that large firms hire professional translators and buy sophisticated technology to do translations quickly and well. Free services like Google Translate and

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