originally published by CBAPracticeLink The iPad has dominated the market, but its competitors are coming on strong. It means more choice than ever for demanding professionals who know what they need.
Read more →Have you jumped to the Mac? Feel like you’re floundering? You aren’t alone. The interface – the minimize buttons, the keyboard, even file icons – seems to confuse people for the first week or two after they abandon a years-long relationship with Microsoft Windows. Apple answers common
Read more →Companies hand technology to employees every day, but they rarely pause to consider how effective said technology will be, or what they can do to ensure that it does help them get the ROI they seek from it. Sometimes the problem is simply this: not enough communication
Read more →Computers can slow down as they “age” but following two simple pieces of advice can keep them relatively spry and useful for years to come. And if you’re handy with a screwdriver, you can do some of these things on your own.
Read more →Sometimes an article pops up online that fits perfectly in this blog. Marc Saltzman wrote one on Windows shortcuts that every Windows computer owner needs to read. Here are a few gems: 1. Windows Key (by itself) This launches your Start menu, instead of having to click
Read more →My friend Mara emailed me last week asking how to switch between documents on her computer using the keyboard.
Read more →When I used Windows XP daily, I also carried around a USB memory stick with a complete backup of all my important documents. Yes, this was several GB in size, but maintaining this backup was pretty easy. You see, I used a not-very-well-known Windows utility called Briefcase
Read more →originally published in Lawyers Weekly They’re tiny, cheap, underpowered, and many of us wouldn’t want to use them too often. But netbooks as business computers suit some lawyers just fine. Which, considering their history, is odd. A 2009 article in Wired Magazine traced their existence back to
Read more →originally published in Lawyers Weekly Magazine Special interest groups pop up around all sorts of things, so it isn’t surprising that about 50 lawyers spent a recent weekend in Florida talking about how to run a law office using Apple Macintosh computers.
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