Copywriter, technical writer, translator (FR>EN, ES>EN, IT>EN), journalist

Periodical Writing Samples

3D digital modelling drives design innovation

originally published in Plant Magazine Theme park executives and ride designers watch as their newest rollercoaster crests the first hill. The drop that follows thrusts the coaster through the loops, turns and other thrills that will lure thousands of adrenaline seekers a year or two from now.

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Preparing for e-discovery: Why firms need data retention policies

originally published by The Lawyers Weekly By some estimates, any given billion-dollar corporation faces more than 500 lawsuits every year. And for some, litigation expenses may be their largest unfunded liability. Ballooning these expenses are settlements conceded when litigation costs don’t seem to justify arguing a case.

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Practicing Law with SaaS

Wiki online collaboration

Originally published in National Magazine Good lawyers have always been good collaborators. Have we entered an age where the most technologically tuned online collaborators win the lion’s share of business? Perhaps. Many of today’s web-based software arrivistes enable lawyers to handle more of their business online than

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The smartphone showdown: BlackBerry versus iPhone

Originally published in Lawyers Weekly. Video pirates posted this scene from the Italian translation of the movie “Sex in the City” on YouTube: A bride-to-be demands a phone. Her friend hands her a sleek black slab. She takes it. Icons spring onto the device-long screen – no

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How to Secure Your Laptop Before Crossing the Border

Originally published on CBA PracticeLink. U.S. border security policy poses a potential threat to solicitor-client privilege. Here’s what you need to know, and how you can protect sensitive data.

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How to be the master and get the most from your BlackBerry

originally published in The Lawyers Weekly Quick! Before you read this article, go online and find the one-minute demonstration of the BlackBerry Helmet as shown on TV’s The Rick Mercer Report. Now that you’re back, complete this sentence: Rick Mercer is: a very wealthy man once he

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What you need to know to run a paperless office

originally published in The Lawyers Weekly “I have been practising on my own since 2002 and slowly filling up a wall of shelving with bankers’ boxes of files,” said Colorado Springs, CO-based attorney Tomasz Stasiuk. “When it came time to start another wall of boxes, that started

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Social networking sites target legal profession

originally published in The Lawyers Weekly Many lawyers already partake in Facebook, LinkedIn or one of their digital cousins. Chances are that many of those lawyers have yet to hear of social networks geared to the legal profession. Yes, Virginia, there are such things. And some of

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Keep control of marketing with MRM

Brand consistency just one aspect of the issue originally published in It drives marketers crazy when a salesperson or channel partner takes something done by Marketing, changes it and creates their own content, says Bryan Bogensberger. That’s the tip of a massive iceberg currently hobbling many

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