Copywriter, technical writer, translator (FR>EN, ES>EN, IT>EN), journalist

Using Google to create online forms

Some years ago, I tried to solicit answers to questions using an online questionnaire, a Google Form. For some reason, response was lackluster. I figured people were used to scheduling an interview when providing answers to a journalist, and the online form I created could easily be put off, or at least more easily than a scheduled phone call.

Some years later, I wrote an article about entrepreneurs in the legal field who use online form tools, whether they be PDFs or forms embedded in websites.

Suffice it to say interest in online forms hasn’t yet reached a tipping point outside of specific fields, like online retail. But I remain fascinated with the technology since:

  • it’s easy to set up free forms
  • online forms can reduce the amount of data-gathering, duplication and paper involved in getting answers
  • I’m a geek at heart

About the easy part: this video shows how you can set up your own Google Form.