Copywriter, technical writer, translator (FR>EN, ES>EN, IT>EN), journalist

Posts Tagged format

Find and eliminate double non-printing characters

In a Word document, few circumstances call for “double formatting” like double spaces, double paragraph breaks and double page breaks. And quite often, those “doubles” foil attempts at automating a Word document’s formatting. If your document is short, finding and fixing doubles doesn’t take long. If your

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Layout tips for legal documents

Last month, I read a document produced by a law firm, then one produced by Adobe Systems Incorporated. The Adobe document? Attractive. The legal document? Not so much. Could legal documents use an Adobe-inspired layout makeover?

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Changing the look of a Word style

You can change the look of a given set of paragraphs throughout a document by making a change in just one place.

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Using nonprinting characters (formatting symbols) in a document

Non-printing characters (NPCs) show formatting in your document. When you first see these symbols, you might think they’re cluttering up your screen. In fact, they’re designed to be both easily perceptible when you want to see them and easy to ignore when you don’t. And the headaches

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Simplifying a word processing document

Have you ever set the format in one part of a long document only to find it messed up when you went back to it? The gremlin you’re hunting may be the flipside of a feature known as styles.

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Applying a word processing style

Styles are neat things. They let you minimize the amount of time you spend fiddling with the formatting in documents. This rarely matters if you only write two- or three-page memos, but try making a 185-page book look consistent – all fonts, headings, margins, graphical elements and

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Introduction to styles

No, this isn’t a post about the latest fashion trends… Do you regularly write reports, computer manuals, brochures and other long (or even short) works that require some graphic elegance? When you write a document, you actually do two things: write content format content Many writers develop

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