Copywriter, technical writer, translator (FR>EN, ES>EN, IT>EN), journalist

Research companies using LinkedIn

To further their professional interests, people commonly investigate specific companies. Now, in addition to traditional research sources like media mentions and a company’s own web site, people can look for company “pages” on LinkedIn.

These pages can show all sorts of information, including:

  • a company’s LinkedIn updates
  • employees
  • career opportunities
  • any connections you have to the company
  • LinkedIn groups that the company is involved in

and more.

Search for specific companies

Refer to the list of companies you consider “poster-child clients” that you created in your LinkedIn game plan. Type each company name into the LinkedIn search bar. (You must be signed in to do this.) The list that appears will be separated into several parts, like People, Companies and Groups.

Note that you can also use the Companies link in the top row of menus on the LinkedIn site.

Follow a company on LinkedIn

Some companies publish news updates via LinkedIn. You can have their updates appear in your list of updates by following them.

When you find companies that interest you, follow them by visiting their LinkedIn pages and clicking the “Follow” button at the top of the page.

Find contacts on a company page

Visit the company page and check the “How You’re Connected” section. Mouse over this section – several links are available here – to choose the link you want to follow.